Fundos SIFIDE (Selo de Idoneidade)
As with any investment, the company is selling a percentage of its business in exchange for capital.
SIFIDE Funds are investment funds that benefit from tax credits for investing in startups that are recognized as innovative. For a company to be eligible to be invested in by one of these funds, it must obtain a Selo ID: Reconhecimento de Idoneidade awarded by ANI (National Innovation Agency). Given that very few startups in Portugal have the Selo ID: Reconhecimento de Idoneidade, those that do substantially increase their chances of receiving investment.
Important: Granter will help you prepare the application for the Selo ID: Reconhecimento de Idoneidade. The company will then have to apply for SIFIDE Funds directly and go through the fund's normal due diligence.
Eligibility criteria:
- Companies that are resident in Portugal, or
- Non-resident companies with a permanent establishment in Portugal.
- Foreign companies with a presence in Portugal for less than one year may use their home country's R&D investment history as proof of their innovative activity.
Condition 1 – R&D Investment:
- A minimum R&D investment of 7.5% of the previous fiscal year's turnover is required.
- Proof must be provided via the IPCTN data (which gathers information on companies' R&D activities and investments) or, for companies not covered by the IPCTN, via a declaration from the Certified Public Accountant/Certified Accountant.
- Recognition may be conditional for newly created companies that, at the time of application, do not have consolidated R&D teams or cannot present the previous fiscal year's financial report.
Condition 2 – Incubated Innovative Companies:
- Companies with up to three years of activity that are incubated in an incubator certified or recognized by IAPMEI (or a competent entity), as evidenced by a substantiated proposal from the incubator.
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950€ + 1.550€ on Success
Fundos SIFIDE (Selo de Idoneidade)
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Generated Applications
SMART Application Package

+ 1.550€ on Success, per application.
Initial meeting to confirm eligibility.
Connection with the best specialized consultant for the incentive and industry.
Complete management and submission of application.
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Show me a checklist of the requirements and how my company fits them.Application
How can I improve my application's chances of success?Documentation
Which documents are required to complete this application?Timeline
March 14, 2025
Opening of applications
To be Determined
Up to 3 months after submission (Prediction)
March 14, 2025
Opening of applications
To be Determined
Up to 3 months after submission (Prediction)