
Apoio à Criação de Emprego em Micro e Pequenas Empresas - Norte2030

Apoio à Criação de Emprego em Micro e Pequenas Empresas - Norte2030

Up to 85% financed

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The grant aims to support micro and small businesses in the North region by promoting local micro-entrepreneurship and the creation of new jobs. This initiative focuses on the expansion of existing businesses and the increase of stable and qualified employment opportunities.

Type of Projects to Develop

  • Expansion of micro and small businesses with the creation of new jobs.
  • Projects that promote the creation of stable and long-term jobs.
  • Micro-entrepreneurship initiatives aimed at local economic development.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Micro and small businesses based in the North region.
  • Businesses with at least one year of activity and an updated declaration of Simplified Corporate Information (IES).
  • Businesses creating new full-time and permanent jobs.

Eligible Expenses

  • Costs related to salaries associated with newly created jobs.
  • Expenses for staff training.
  • Investments in equipment and infrastructure necessary for job creation.

Examples of Eligible Projects to Be Developed

  • Expansion of a microenterprise in the services sector, creating two new jobs for qualified young professionals.
  • Expansion of a small-scale local production company, hiring additional staff for the assembly line.
  • Development of a rural tourism project that includes the creation of full-time jobs in the region.

Financial Information

  • Total budget for the grant: €2,000,000
  • Co-financing percentage: 85%

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Dec. 31, 2024

Opening of applications

March 31, 2025

Closing of applications

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