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Linha de Apoio ao Desenv. de Negócios - Curto Prazo

Linha de Apoio ao Desenv. de Negócios - Curto Prazo

Up to 1.500.000€

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This funding opportunity is a loan which means the company will have to pay it back, usually with some form of interest.


Financing of short-term support operations such as current accounts for treasury, factoring, confirming and foreign discounting;


Eligibility criteria:

- Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)


Interest rate - Euribor rate with a maximum spread of 3.75%

Note: SGM guarantees up to 60% of the loan capital through an independent guarantee. However, in order to conclude the operation, the Bank and SGM may require other guarantees.

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750€ +5% on Success


Jan. 1, 2024

Closing of Applications

Dec. 31, 2024

Closing of applications

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Total estimated time: 6 mins.