
Tracing of cryptocurrencies transactions related to criminal purposes

Tracing of cryptocurrencies transactions related to criminal purposes

Up to 6.000.000€



This grant aims to support law enforcement agencies, researchers, and regulatory bodies in the European Union by developing tools and methods to trace cryptocurrency transactions related to criminal activities. This initiative focuses on reducing the attractiveness of cryptocurrencies for criminal use, improving regulatory frameworks, and providing training for police and judicial authorities.

Type of Project to Develop

  • Projects that develop lawful tools for tracing cryptocurrency transactions.
  • Projects that create modern training curricula for police, prosecutors, and judicial actors on handling cryptocurrencies in investigations.
  • Projects that provide recommendations for better regulation of the cryptocurrency market and the exchange of transnational information on fund transfers.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Companies, Law enforcement agencies, research institutions, and regulatory bodies within the EU.
  • Proposals that demonstrate a clear plan for developing tools and methods for tracing cryptocurrency transactions.
  • Projects that include collaboration between multiple stakeholders, including public and private sectors.

Eligible Expenses

  • Costs for developing and implementing tools for tracing cryptocurrency transactions.
  • Costs related to creating and delivering training programs for law enforcement and judicial authorities.
  • Costs for research and analysis to provide recommendations for better regulation of the cryptocurrency market.

Examples of Eligible Projects

  • A project that develops advanced software for tracking cryptocurrency transactions and identifying patterns related to criminal activities.
  • An initiative that creates comprehensive training programs for police and judicial authorities on the legal and technical aspects of handling cryptocurrency in criminal investigations.
  • A collaborative effort to analyze current regulations and provide recommendations for harmonizing standards and improving the exchange of information on cryptocurrency transactions across borders.

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June 27, 2024

Opening of applications

Nov. 20, 2024

Closing of applications